HB Naturals
Fulvic Acid Mineral Powder - Chelates Heavy Metals and Body Toxins (Lasts 3-4 Months)
Fulvic Acid Mineral Powder - Chelates Heavy Metals and Body Toxins (Lasts 3-4 Months)
Fulvic Acid is a naturally occurring compound created from the decomposition of organic plant matter. It is one component of humus, and can be found in soil, rock sediments, and bodies of water. Fulvic Acid can provide a wide array of health benefits, and is naturally anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.
Manufactured in the USA, our Fulvic Acid Mineral Powder is not a coal derivative. It is non-toxic, gluten-free, non-GMO, bio-degradable, allergen-free, not irradiated, and free of harmful chemicals. It is completely water soluble and contains a remarkable array of 70+ trace minerals, 70+ electrolytes, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, and flavonoids.
Ingredients: Fulvic acid including natural plant-based minerals, trace minerals, trace elements, electrolytes, amino acids, amino acids, and flavonoids.